Our services

Welcome to The BOSS Partner, your premier destination for exceptional event planning services. 

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Event Management & Preparation

With a wealth of experience in the industry, we bring events to life, from planning to flawless delivery. Whether you need assistance in crafting the perfect event concept, to seamless on-site management or benefiting from the support of an accountability partner, we have got you covered.

Event Planning

Our event planning and preparation service is where we can turn your vision into a reality with precision and expertise. We start by working closely with you to crystallise your event concept, define your event theme, and structure your event for maximum impact.

Our team then works with you to create all the processes to manage the event and acquire all the assets needed to deliver the event. We design and write content for the event brochures, collate the guest list, select a suitable venue, draft the production schedule, identify and book speakers, recruit event staff/volunteers, capture accurate data for future business development, and develop delegate evaluation forms and all the finer details associated with any event.

With our proactive approach to planning and monitoring project progress, you can trust us to deliver a flawless event experience for your delegates every time.  

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Seamless Event Delivery 

Our on-site events management service ensures the big day or days proceed smoothly and leaves a delightful lasting impression on attendees. We’ve got you covered from managing your suppliers, speakers, VIPs, delegates, and venue team, to providing registration desks, carrying out risk assessments and of course the impromptu improvisation on the day. It’s all in a day’s work for us. 

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Accountability Partner

As your Accountability Partner for your upcoming event, we are committed to actively engaging with the goals you’ve set for yourself. Through regular check-ins, we’ll discuss progress and address challenges and strategies for success. Leveraging our expertise and creative talents, we’ll provide constructive feedback, celebrate your achievements, and help you to stay on track with your deadlines. Our clients praise our open and supportive communication style, which fosters personal and professional growth.